If you are wondering what are the cubes you see. If you want to know how many cubes you put in a machine, if you want to know what a cube of molten metal contains, then the analyzer is the tool you need.
But that's not all. The analyzer is not only essential, it is also really affordable. So, now I'm sure you want it ...
There is the manufacturing instructions :
Your mission will be to acquire the necessary resources and build it with the indicated machine.
Once done, put the analyser in your inventory in the tool section. Then, close your inventory and use the "F" key until the analyser is selected. Point your crosshair on the voxel you want to analyse and it will display all known informations. Note that informations will vary greatly for each type of voxel.
Once finished to use the analyser, don't forget to select constructor/destructor again by pressing "F" key.