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  1. Mission 9 : Make an atomic compressor to store your stuff.

    As big is your inventory, it's always a good idea to save your stuff in a well structured storage.

    Atomic compressors are external multi-purpose storage units that can be used to store your stuff, but also as a storage or buffer for automations.

    To build the atomic compressor, use the following manufacturing instructions, don't be surprised as you'll get 16 of them.

    Once done, put the atomic compressor on the ground. 

    To use it, point the atomic compressor with the crosshair and depress the middle mouse button (or the "V" key) to open the interface.

    The interface show you the content of the atomic compressor in the upper part and the main part of your inventory in the lower part. You can use drag and drop to transfer stuff between the storage and your inventory.

    As a security, the constructor/destructor tool can not grab an atomic compressor that is not empty.

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