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  1. Mission 7 : Dig deeper and get new material...

    The new tool you got at the previous mission will allow you to dig faster and to dig through harder materials. This will allow to dig deeper.

    Digging deeper is necessary to find new layers with different ores.

    Take a look at the ore repartition in the différent layers of the ground in the Central Blue Flat Zone.

    Now, take the staircase you dig previously. If you don't have 12 copper ores in your inventory, continue digging in the blue layer once you have these.

    Then, go deeper and dig trough the green layer until you found the Orange layer where you'll find iron ore. In the way, don't forget to collect the lot of carbon and lead ore you'll find inthe green layer, 

    Once you reach the orange layer, continue digging until you collect at least 7 iron ore.

    Now get back to the surface and you have done.

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