In order to collect some BlackRock Orange and Iron Ore, you must make a new tool, the "Constructor/Destructor 2".
You'll use the 8 Copper Bar made in the last mission for that task.
One more time, you'll use the base machine to make your new tool.
This time, you'll have to go to the manual in this page and folow the manufacturing instructions for "Constructor/Destructor 2". Then go back here.
Once you made the new Constructor/Destructor 2, grab it in your inventory, then open your inventory.
Look at the first leftmost case in the topmost line of the inventory, that's the active tool location. There is the old constructor/destructor in it and you'll have to replace by the new one.
Grab the Constructor/Destructor 2 with your mouse and slide it to the active tool slot location, so it will replace the old one. Afterward, you can verify that this is the case by looking at the number "2" in the new consctructor/destructor icon.
Once done, congratulation, you made a new tool and activated it. Now you can work faster and grab new blocks. Go to the next mission...