Until now, we used only metals in their "pure" form. But now, we'll start to make Alloys. The alloys are blends of several "pure" metals in the goal of obtaining better characteristics when combined than the pure metals they are made from. Some known alloys are Bronze or Stainless steel.
To make alloys, different "pure" metals must be blended togheter when in their molten state.
Rember we said before that molten metal cubes are blending when in contact. Now, we'll use this for making alloys.
Blackvoxel is using nearly "real life" true proportion for these
alloys but with some margin in order to make it easyer with "cube"
The first alloy we'll make is bronze. The bronze is made roughly of 90% copper and 10% tin.
In practice, you must use 9 cubes of copper ore for 1 cube of tin.
We remember you must add one cube of carbon for each cube of metal ore, so you must have also 10 cubes of carbon.
This will give you the following sequence to put in the melting furnace.
9 x Carbon-Copper
1 x Carbon-Tin
We assume you followed the advice we gave you to make a pit. For alloys, you must have a pit. And when your cubes fall in the pit, all cubes must be in contact in order to blend.
You can check the alloy composition and temperature of each cubes and the correct mixing by using the analyser tool we made in a previous mission.
When your alloy cool down, you must obtain nice bronze cubes. In the case something goes wrong and you'll get some defective alloy for the totality or part of the cubes, then you have made a mistake somewhere.
When you have your bronze cubes, your mission is over.