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  1. Display


    bool Display( string Message, [integer Duration], [integer Visibility], [integer MinimumDuration] )

    Display a text message on the screen.


    Message : The message to display.

    Duration : (Optional) How long the message remains on the screen in 1/1000 seconds. 1000 = 1 second. Default value is 5000.

    Visibility : (Optional) Visibility level of the message. Values are from 0(more visible) to 5(less visible). Default value is 2.

    MinimumDuration : (Optional) The minimum time the message must remain on screen if another message must be displayed before the end of the Duration. If the minimum time is elapsed, the new message will display immediatly. Otherwise, the new message will wait for the minimum duration to be elapsed. Default value is the Duration value.

    Return Value

    Always return true.

    Example of use

    // Listing #1: Display demo.
    Do<-true; function Voxel_Step() { local i; if (Do) { Display("DISPLAY SOME MESSAGE", 5000, 2 ); for (i=0;i<4;i++) { Display("DISPLAY SOME MESSAGE", 1000, 0 ); Display("DISPLAY SOME MESSAGE", 1000, 1 ); Display("DISPLAY SOME MESSAGE", 1000, 2 ); Display("DISPLAY SOME MESSAGE", 1000, 3 ); Display("DISPLAY SOME MESSAGE", 1000, 4 ); Display("DISPLAY SOME MESSAGE", 1000, 5 ); } Display("PROGRAM END", 1000, 0 ); Do = false; } }

    See Also


  2. Google+