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  1. PlaceVoxel


    bool PlaceVoxel(integer Location, integer VoxelType)

    Get a voxel in the robot storage unit and place it at the specified location. You can place a voxel in the 6 voxels which are directly adjacent. The requested material must be available in the robot's storage. This function can only be used in Voxel_Step().


    VoxelType : The VoxelType code of the material you want to place. The requested material must be available in the robot's storage.

    Location : The position of the voxel to grab in "position code" notation.

    0 =  { 0, 0, 1 } = Front of the robot.
    1 =  { 1, 0, 0 } = Right of the robot.
    2 =  { 0, 0, -1} = Back of the robot.
    3 =  {-1, 0, 0 } = Left of the robot.
    4 =  { 0, 1, 0 } = Above the robot.
    5 =  { 0,-1, 0 } = Under the robot.

    Position Code

    Return Value

    A boolean number. It will be true if the function placed a voxel successfully or false otherwise.

    Example of use

    Put the robot on the ground in the blue zone and it will mine materials and build structures.

    // Listing #1: Automatic Builder
    y <- 0; state <-0; count <-0; floors<-0; function Voxel_Step() { local i; switch (state) { case 0: for(i=0;i<6;i++) PickVoxel(i); Move(5); y++; if (y > 64) state = 1; break; case 1: Move(4); y--; if (y<1) {state = 2; } break; case 2: Move(0); state = 3; break; case 3: Move(1); state = 4; break; case 4: Move(4); state = 5; count = 3; floors = 0; break; case 5: if (floors >9 ) {state = 10; break; } if (!PlaceVoxel(5,1)) { if (floors > 5) state = 10; else state = 13; break; } Move(2); count--; if (count <=0) { state = 6; count = 3; } break; case 6: PlaceVoxel(5,1); Move(3); count--; if (count <=0) { state = 7; count = 3; } break; case 7: PlaceVoxel(5,1); Move(0); count--; if (count <=0) { state = 8; count = 3; } break; case 8: PlaceVoxel(5,1); Move(1); count--; if (count <=0) { state = 9; } break; case 9: Move(4); state=5;count=3; floors++; break; case 10:Move(3); state=11; count=4; break; case 11:Move(0); count--; if (count <=0) { state = 12; } break; case 12:if (!Move(5)) state = 0; break; case 13:break; } }

    See Also


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