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  1. Pseudo Instructions

    .reserve reserve some uninitialized space.
    .data include some data
    .org set assembly address location
    .align align to multiples

    Unlike true instructions, pseudo instructions aren't real processor instructions but rather directives giving indications to the assembler.

    .reserve[.b|.w|.l] Size

    The reserve pseudo instruction will reserve some uninitialized data of the indicated size. This will create an uninitialized data section in the output file.

    .data[.b|.w|.l] (data)

    The data pseudo instruction will include the provided data. Data can be text, numeric values. You can use multiple data separated with the ',' sign. Don't forget the '(' and ')' signs around data.

    .org address

    The org pseudo instruction will set the new assembly address for the next. A new code section will be created in the output file.

    .align number

    The align pseudo instruction will align the new address used for following instructions to a multiple of the provided number. Padding zeroes can be inserted.

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