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  1. Cmp - compare instruction

    Affected Flags
    C V N Z
    X X
    X X

    cmp : compare two registers

    The cmp instruction make a comparison between two registers and the status flag is set accordingly. Internaly, the cmp instruction works by substrating the first register to the second register, the result is not stored, only the flags are set.
    To use the result stored in flags, you can use one of the Bxx instructions.

    Forms and variants

    ry = Source register 1
    rx = Source register 2

    Form Effect
    cmp.b ry,rx
    Compare rx and ry
    Set the status flags
    cmp.w ry,rx
    cmp.l ry,rx

    Instruction encoding

    S = Source register 1
    D = Source register 2
    Instruction Op
    Cycles Encoding
    cmp.b ry,rx 1A 6 00011010 SSSSDDDD
    cmp.w ry,rx 5A 6 01011010 SSSSDDDD
    cmp.l ry,rx 9A 6 10011010 SSSSDDDD

    Code Examples

    // Example : Compare two numbers
    ; r0 = number 1
    ; r1 = number 2
    start:    cmp.l r0,r1
              beq equal
              bne notequal
    equal:    ; do something, numbers are equal
    notequal: ; do something, numbers are not equal
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