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  1. Compile Blackvoxel from source

    Here are informations for compiling and running Blackvoxel from source.

    Don't forget to report any difficulty and errors in the forum (in the troubleshooting section).

    If you've made a port of Blackvoxel or compiled it for an unlisted (or not yet supported) platform, we would be happy to get feedback to improve this tutorial.


    Compiling and running blackvoxel with most Linux distributions is very simple.

    See bellow for per-distro step-by-step instructions.

    If you want to go further, modify and debug, we recommend using Eclipse CDT.


    (1) Download source tarball (.tar.bz2 source archive) and put it in your home directory
    (2) Open a terminal (type "term" in ubuntu lancher)
    (3) Enter the following commands :

    sudo apt-get install build-essential libglew-dev libsdl1.2-dev
    tar -xjvf blackvoxel_source*
    cd blackvoxel_source*

    (Note : On the 32 bits versions, before the make command, edit the Makefile, find "sq64" and change to "sq32")

    Once build succeded, you can launch Blackvoxel with the following command :

    cd ~/blackvoxel_source* && ./blackvoxel



    (1) Download source tarball (.tar.bz2 source archive) and put it in your home directory
    (2) Open a terminal :

    • Open the activity menu
    • Type "terminal" on the "type to search" field at the right of the screen.
    • Click on the "terminal" (not the "root terminal") icon.

    (3) Enter the following commands :

    apt-get install build-essential libglew-dev libsdl1.2-dev
    exit tar -xjvf blackvoxel_source* cd blackvoxel_source* make

    (Note : On the 32 bits versions, before the make command, edit the Makefile, find "sq64" and change to "sq32")

    Once build succeded, you can launch Blackvoxel with the following command :

    cd ~/blackvoxel_source* && ./blackvoxel

    Other Linux distributions

    Blackvoxel can be compiled in debian and ubuntu derived (like Mint) in the same ways described above.

    For non debian distributions, you'll have to find the exact way using the following indications :

    • Install the gcc with g++ compiler, linker, tools and headers.
    • Find and Install equivalent packages for required libraries with the package manager in your Linux Distribution.

    We hope to add distributions to this list with time.

    Non Linux various Unix...

    No attempt to compile Blackvoxel on other unixes has been done at this time. In theory, it should work with minimal adaptations.

    Anyway, you need to have hardware 3D OpenGL support to run Blackvoxel.


    Infortunately, building Blackvoxel in Windows isn't as simple as in Linux because lacking of an equivalent software package management system.

    So, it will be harder than in Linux if your aren't realy accustomed with programming.

    Here is what you need to get for compiling Blackvoxel in Window

    • The mingw gcc compiler suite.
    • Download and compile the following libraries : freeglut, glew, libsdl.
    • Eclipse CDT developpment IDE (Optionnal).

    We have tested successfully the tools listed here for the Windows version.

    Compilation with other developpement tools is untested.

    MacOs X

    • Open a terminal
    • Execute `xcode-select --install` if you don't have Xcode's command line tools.
    • For the GLEW and SDL dependencies, make sure [Homebrew]( is installed.
    • `brew install glew sdl`
    • Download the Blackvoxel source tarball (or zip file) [here]( and extract it to somewhere in your home directory
    • Use something like `cd blackvoxel_source*` to open your terminal to the root of your Blackvoxel source folder.
    • `make`
    • `./blackvoxel`
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