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  1. Manual

    Cube Reference Manual

    Description of all cubes of Blackvoxel.

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    Getting Started

    Learn how to play with educative missions.

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    The Blackvoxel Universe

    Blackvoxel Universe Map and area description.

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    Information about Keys and Mouse buttons used for playing Blackvoxel.

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    How to use Manufacturing Instructions

    Many voxels of the game does not occur naturally. They must be manufactured. When this is the case, the method of manufacture is indicated in the manual.

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    Like many players, we love smoothness in games. Here are some tips to optimise your game experience.

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    Running Blackvoxel on the Raspberry Pi

    How to install and run Blackvoxel on the Raspberry Pi 2/3.

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    Make your own blocs

    Blackvoxel offer it's own form of super creative mode. Making your own textures and use it in blackvoxel is easy as to say it !

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    School mode

    The school mode is a set of extensions to help teaching programming with Blackvoxel.

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    Educational Material

    Educational material are resources to help teatching programming with Blackvoxel.

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    Voxel Interfaces

    Voxel Interfaces are programmable abstractions allowing programming voxels and inter voxel communication.

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    Compile Blackvoxel from source

    Here are informations for compiling and running Blackvoxel from source.

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